Lucero Family 2015

Lucero Family 2015
The Best Place To Be Is Together

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Riley 2 months

Riley is two months old.
On Sunday we had his baby blessing and that night he has caught a nasty cold that we thought was RSV but luckily it wasn't. He has been a champ through the whole thing. I just love that he smiles at me even though he is sick.

Two months
Smiles all the time
Wonderful sleeper
Mom's cuddle buddy
Usually ok with sisters smothering hugs and kisses
11 lbs 4 oz
22 inches long
Loves baths

Monday, December 14, 2015

Riley - One Month

Riley is one month old. He is such a joy and even though there are rough times and I am exhausted.

One Month:
Sleeps a lot
Poops a lot
Is a cuddle bug
Has an adorable sneeze
Wants food ASAP after waking up

Welcome Riley

  Our little boy Riley has arrived. He is so adorable and we just love him. Mikena has been a big helper and she LOVES her baby brother. (such a relief, I really didn't want to start things out with sibling rivalry)
  Riley was very punctual and arrived on his due date. I started having contractions wednesday morning and they went away a late morning and then around 10 pm that night started to pick back up. I messaged my friend and around 12:30 am (Nov 5th) decided that I should start timing the contractions. I was very surprised to find out they were 2-5 min apart and was getting stronger. The only weird thing was that they were only at the bottom of my belly.  I really thought that they were still braxton hicks. I mentioned this to my friend and she basically told me that I should stop being in labor denial.. HA.
  Around 3:30ish AM we decided to go over to the hospital since things were really starting to hurt and my pelvis was taking all the pain. We got there and I was only at a 1.... WHAT... All this pain for NOTHING. They said that they would check me again in an hour since my contractions were still consistent and when they checked again I was still at a one. I was a little nervous and frustrated. I didn't want to go home. I wanted to stay and get this baby OUT! Then they said I could stay one more hr but if I didn't progress I would have to go home. Luckily I did progress and was at a tight 3. Wahoo. I was admitted into the hospital and I immediately got in the tub since that was the only thing that was helping me at home. Sadly though because I was attempting a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) I was to me monitored the entire time.... :( Bleh. The monitors made my pelvic pain worse and it was already unbearable.
   Progress was slow going and I was hurting a lot. The contractions didn't bother me but baby moving through the pelvis did. Around 3pm I decided to get an epidural and try to relax. I was only at a loose 3 at that point. I think around 4 pm They checked me and I was at a 4 and my water broke.  Progress I guess. But after my water breaking things started to pick up at 5:30 I was at an 8 and by 6:30 I was at a 10 and ready to push. Dr. Allen who was the on call doc came in and we did a few test pushes. After a few tries he said that things were going well and that he would be back in 5-10 min and would see if baby was making progress down. When he came back things were looking good so we just continued to push and at 7:01pm Mr. Riley made his appearance. Dr. Allen cleaned out his mouth and nostrils and placed him right on my chest. AHHH such a wonderful experience. I am so grateful to be able to successfully have a VBAC and to have him placed on me. So so rewarding.

Dr. Allen and Riley

Overall I feel like the entire labor and delivery went AMAZINGLY! I am so grateful for the support I received from everyone. The Staff, Dr. Allen, Skyeler, Becky, and many many family members (near and very far), and friends who kept me in their prayers. It seemed like I needed that support since so many people called/texted me while in labor to see how things were going not knowing I was in labor.
 I am so in love with my family and SO grateful to have them in my life. I am grateful that Skyeler was able to be my biggest support throughout and so willing to give me blessing after blessing and prayer after prayer during everything. I am so grateful that I have been able to bring two beautiful kids into the world and the love and confidence of our Heavenly Father who has entrusted them to Skyeler and I. I am grateful for the experience to be able to better understand the atonement and what Christ went through for each and everyone of us. Child birth is very difficult and probably the worst pain I have ever had and I still can't imagine all the pain and suffering that our Savior experienced for each and everyone of us. I am so grateful to him.

All and all I am grateful and happy. I have mostly recovered and getting a routine established with my two little ones. I absolutely LOVE my little Riley and so excited for him to be part of my family.


Thursday, April 30, 2015


Lately I have been stressed out. It isn't unlike me to be stressing about something. At times I feel like I suffer from anxiety or something cause I'm constantly on edge about something. and sometimes the things I'm on edge about are really not that big of a deal. Like Skyeler getting a call from the stake presidency on my birthday about a new calling.  (Of course they never say what it about, just that they want to meet with you). Or my apartment being dirty and people seeing it. I hate a messy living area, but I have not had the strength or energy to really do much about that.

Why you might ask. Why do I not have strength or energy to clean. Well one, at times I'm lazy, Two, have you ever tried to clean with a toddler??? Three, I am now 13 weeks pregnant!! YAY! So I have had a hard time with the morning sickness again. I've lost about 10 pounds which really isn't that great. Especially since that puts me down to 110! AND that weight loss comes from basically everything that I try to put in my system. Luckily I haven't had to go in for an I.V. but it has been very close. I was asked a couple of times and probably should have but I didn't want to.

So far things have been ok. It hasn't been great but it hasn't been overly horrible. I say overly because it has been horrible with the nausea. I have been really stressed because I was having very similar spotting to my last pregnancy which I lost so as soon as I started spotting again I assumed the worst and I have had to have a couple of extra blood draws and two ultrasounds. One to confirm that I was pregnant at 5.5 weeks and then at 7.5 weeks to confirm viability. I really thought that I was going to go in and have to go through the whole miscarriage process. I had basically psyched myself up for it. Luckily we found a heartbeat and the baby had a heart rate of 152! PERFECT! And the baby was measuring right at 7.5 weeks. BOOYEAH! It was such a relief. Sadly though my relief never last more than a day or so. I start freaking out over every little thing after 48 hrs.

On the 21st I had another appointment this one was at 11.5 weeks and again I was so worked up and stressed that when we found the heartbeat again and the heart rate was 155 I literally started to cry right there and then in front of my Doctor.  I don't know why I just expect things to fail I really really hate it. But again I was so relieved that things are going well. As of now though I stress because I want my baby bump and it isn't coming fast enough so something must be wrong or my nausea is getting less intense so something has to be going wrong there. But really I just have a nice supply of Phenergan in my system and lets face it I'm a small person, its going to take a while before a show. It did last time. I think I started feeling pressure around my waist with my pants around 17 weeks.... its still going to take some time. So those are just some of the main CONSTANT stressors that I have. I think the stress and anxiety I have when I'm pregnant is a bit much. I hate stress, I hate drama, and so when I get like this it gets to much for me. But I am so afraid of things going wrong. I hate all the different things your body does while pregnant cause I always assume the worst with everything.

How can you be positive when half of your pregnancies fail??? I don't know if many people really understand that. I just really want this baby. I miss everything about feeling kicks and that connection with your unborn baby and just the joy of having a newborn. Even with little to no sleep. I know it is going to be a challenge having two kids especially with Skyeler in school. That money is tight already with having to pay for school (and the fact Sky chose a really expensive school) but its worth it. I have many friends express similar concerns before they had kids and how things are just placed in front of you once you have them. My friend has 4 kids and she mentioned that every time they had a kid her hubby either got a new job, a raise, or they found a better place to live. Another friend mentioned that when you take care of gods children he will take care of you. I really try to focus on that when I think of Skyeler and school, finances, our living situation, and just overall life. It doesn't make sense to have a kid but I know things will work out and that we will be taken care of. Especially with me staying home with the kid(s). I know that is what my family needs even if I could be working to help get rid of some debt. Then I think where is the faith in that? I can't do everything. My kid(s) need me. I need them. I have never felt so rewarded in anything that I have ever done than watching Mikena grow and being there for her every day of her life literally. I have never really been anywhere without her. From day one I have been there to giver her the love and attention she needs. I think I have done one day thing one Saturday but I was there for her that evening! But that is it! One day I'll get a weekend to myself. Or be able to pee by myself. Until then I am just so happy that I am blessed enough to be able to spend every day with my kid(s). That I am able to have kids. That Mikena is growing up knowing she is loved and that she is happy. To me it so much better than money. The things I want in life will come and I'm willing to put that on hold in order to watch my daughter. I don't want to miss anything. No matter how hard it is at times. And boy is it hard at times.. REALLY HARD.

Happy Birthday!!

So my birthday was 2 weeks ago. I'm finally taking the time to blog since it has again been a while. For my birthday a friend of mine took me shopping and got me an outfit so I could look super cute when Skyeler and I went to dinner Friday night. I think I looked pretty cute! Then on Friday Mikena and I hung out at home for a bit then we went to the Women's Expo. I'm not a huge fan of expo's but I needed to get out of the house and my friend wanted to go. I did get free samples of stuff which is always fun.
That night Sky and I went to Tucanos to use my free birthday meal. We even went alone... Oh my.. we didn't have our crazy 2yr old with us which made it so we could enjoy and mostly relax. I really wanted a TON of pineapple and we were more than halfway through a meal and didn't see it once and when they did come they were at the end... Needless to say we told our server guy that I really wanted pineapple and so they made sure that they came by and both times they did after that I took quite a bit. Might seem a little bit much but I go to Tucanos for the pineapple. Everyone else might go for the meat but I LOVE the pineapple!!!
What is weird is that Sky got a couple phone calls while we were there. Of course you get phone calls when you don't want them instead of when you are sitting at home doing nothing. But at least my in-laws remembered my birthday this yr. Which made me feel good. They really tried!

On Saturday we got to spend some time with Skyeler which is nice. We had some friends over and had Kabobs. We just ended up eating way later cause it was one of those days when you forget everything and what you don't forget just goes slow or wrong. Oh well. We still had fun. Food is always nice but I always love having friends over. Being a stay at home mom is kinda hard on your social life so when people come over it makes you feel normal. At least it does for me. I never realized how much of a social person I am until I started staying home with Mikena.
 Sunday we went up to my parents house for our 2nd Sunday dinner. My parents grilled hamburgers and corn on the cob. YUM YUM.. That corn really hit the spot. I always love going up for dinner. Its nice that they take so much effort to make sure everyone gets together still and you know they want your company.

Overall it was a great birthday weekend. I love birthdays because its that one day when everyone wants to make sure you know they are thinking about you. I mean seriously who doesn't want to know that people are thinking of them.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Pregnancy #3 - Miscarriage #2.

On January 2nd I went in for an OB appointment and kinda had a bad feeling about everything. Well long story short our little one hadn't grown or had a heartbeat. It was still the size of 6-7 weeks and I was suppose to be 10-11 weeks. I just knew something was wrong so when the ultrasound tech said she was going to get the doc it wasn't going to be surprising that bad news was coming. I knew once we didn't get a heartbeat with the Doppler earlier.

The weird thing is that the Doc that I had been going to was the SAME Doc that I went to when we were trying to find answers with the first miscarriage. So now this Doc has told me twice that my baby was gone. Long story short he prescribed me the same meds as before and I would go home, take them, and in a few hours have contractions that would hurt like not other and basically start the cleaning out process.

I was fine while at the doctor office but once I got home I just basically collapsed and cried and cried. I dreaded getting those pills and having to experience everything again. Luckily Skyeler was able to come home and be with me. I didn't think he was going to be able to. Shortly after he got home my parents came over to offer support, love, and meals for the next few days. I am so grateful they did.

That evening around 6pm I took the dreaded pills and began the process. A friend of mine brought over popcorn, a movie, yarn, and ice cream to help me get through the night. But unfortunately the pain was so unbearable I ended up going to the E.R. in an attempt to get some relief. I literally felt like my uterus was going to explode. We called another friend around 2 am and she came and stayed with Mikena while we went to the hospital. Sadly 2 doses of morphine didn't scratch the surface and the ultrasound tech made things worse for me as she had the ultrasound probe on my uterus during freaking contractions and made the pain even worse!

After the ultrasound we were back in my E.R. room just trying to get some sleep and trying to deal with the pain. I eventually got a different pain med and that seemed to help... either that or I was just near the end of everything. The doc came in to say that the blood work looked ok. (I didn't loose as much blood as I was thinking) and the ultrasound showed that everything was just sitting at the bottom so everything would be passing soon. He said we could go home if we wanted or stay a little bit long as I still tried to deal with the pain.  I decided to stay and that next hour I was just in a daze. I wasn't asleep or awake just kinda there. Skyeler was sitting in a chair leaning over the bed (trying to sleep) and around 6 I decided that I was able to head home. Skyeler and our friend Kristy who was with Mikena needed to go to work at 7-7:30 so I figured it was just time. We got home and I just crashed. Mikena got up around 8 and we just watched movies until Skyeler got home from work.  Mikena was so much more affectionate that morning and was very soft. Not jumping on me like she normally does and did very well at listening. It really amazed me. I feel like she knew and just was able to be the support I needed.

Skyeler took care of everything and Sunday, Monday, Tuesday we had sisters from the ward bring meals to us. Then the next Sunday I managed to make it to church where I had 3 different sisters approach me giving love and support. Our bishop also heard about our experience and in the weeks following had asked us to go to his office after sacrament meeting where he gave support, love, comfort and words of encouragement. I felt so blessed to have such amazing ward members and friends. I don't think I could have made it through that experience without them. I am so very grateful for the friends that I have. It meant so much that people would call and check in and just try to help in any way possible. If anything that was our silver lining, realizing how many people cared and wanted to help. Even though I felt like everything was wrong and feeling the pain of the loss it was softened by the people around me.

Now that it has been  two month I still feel the pain of the loss and I want more than anything to have that baby but I know that I am loved. That everything will be made right in the end. That I will always have people to look out for me and my loved ones. 

So its been a while...

Do you ever get the feeling that nobody looks at your blog so why update it. I've had that feeling a lot so needless to say it has been a long time since I decided to update the blog. I want to say that nothing much has happened in that time of no blogging but I would be lying. LOTS has happened since mid September of last year. Things like holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New years, Valentines day, etc.... Mikena has been growing and learning so much. Both Skyeler and Mikena had birthdays! Then sadly we were expecting a little one but lost it.... This has probably been the most challenging things ever.

So Holidays we had fun, there was lots of food, and company.

Birthday's. For Skyeler and Mikena's birthday we went to the Ancient life museum at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi. They LOVED it. Mikena is always so curious and fascinated by everything. She has started to LOVE dinosaurs. (Thanks to Skyeler's love and fascination with them) She kept saying fossils, and soun (as in sun-son mixed) She is trying to say Dinosaur but it doesn't come out anywhere close to dinosaur. 

She really did love everything there. I'm sure we will go back but we have to go to the aquarium and zoo.
For Mikena's birthday specifically, we had some friends over and had cupcakes and ice cream.

Lets just say she is one spoiled 2 yr old! She had so much fun with everyone and loved the attention and gifts. She was so cute all day!

I just love this girl so much and she is just so special, smart, funny, outgoing, and just plain amazing.